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Carrot cake

Green Goodness

The recipes published here are seasonal and are part of our menu and the dishes can be tested at Botanica Guest House in Nadarevo. In addition, we would like to share these recipes with you so that you can prepare and enjoy them at home.

Carrot cake

Along with the popular "heroes" in carrots - carotene (provitamin A), vitamins B1, B2, PP, C and a number of minerals, they also contain sugars. For this reason, in the Middle Ages, when sweeteners were a rare and expensive product, carrot cake gained great popularity. Carrot cake is well known today with different variations in recipes. We offer you a very easy to prepare option, which will be appreciated by both passionate cooks and beginner enthusiasts.

How to make

Whisk the sugar, vegetable oil and eggs by using mixer.

Then in a separate ball, mix by hand the remaining ingredients (flour, baking soda, lemon peel, salt and nutmeg).

Put together the two mixtures, add the carrots and walnuts and mix well.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees C for about 45 minutes.

Green Goodness


1 tea cup of sugar

1 tea cup of vegetable oil

3 eggs

2  tea cups of flour

1 and 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon

1 tsp. of baking soda

the peel of a lemon

1/2 tsp. of salt

1/4 tsp. of nutmeg

3 tea cups of shreaded carrots

1 tea cup of wallnuts (roughly chopped)

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