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Planning and design of Botanica's new educational centre is completed.


Botanica Life Foundation is happy to report that our project, kindly supported by the Velux Foundations, has moved to its next stage. We have finished the architectural planning and design of our new training and production centre for youth participation and sustainable agriculture, based in the village of Nadarevo, Bulgaria. The centre will provide young people from vulnerable social groups with practical training in ecological methods of land cultivation and organic food production. The centre will be functioning as a Green School and a Green Academy for different groups of children and young people who will participate in the production of organic fruits and vegetables.

The Centre will be the first of its kind in Bulgaria and will serve as a model for engaging young people in learning about sustainable agricultural practices. Sustainable agriculture is an emerging field in Bulgaria and contains an enormous potential for ecological food production, economic development and income generation for rural communities.The project’s main target group will be young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), whom we will be helping to get out of social exclusion and continue on their course to education, employment or business.   

We are now applying for a building permit for the training and accommodation facilities. We expect that construction work will begin in Spring 2017 and will be completed by the end of 2017.

At the same time we are making progress in designing our production field, where trainees will help grow a variety of fruits and vegetables. The production field takes up approximately 30 000 m2 of agricultural land, alongside a local river, in the rustic environment of Nadarevo. The design of the field is in tune with the principles of permaculture, with which we also break new ground in Bulgaria (see preliminary garden design to the left).


As the project moves on to a crucial stage in its development, we will be soon happy to welcome volunteers from around the world. If you would like to become part of ‘building’ a unique place for young people to study, work and have fun, drop us a line on

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