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From Nadarevo to Breznik


Botanica Life Foundation was in the town of Breznik, where, in partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Communities Development (CSCD), we conducted a training for a youth group in the field of sustainable agriculture. The training is in support of the activities of the Centre’s project "RAISE YOUTH" Rural Action for Innovative and Sustainable Entrepreneurship for Youth. We found many points of common interest as both organisations work with a focus on sustainable development and activities with young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET).

After the theoretical part of the course in the newly opened training center of the CSCD in Breznik, the practical part will take place in our training centre in the village in Nadarevo. We look forward to welcoming them there.

We are thankful for this cooperation and the opportunity to be helpful to young people from different regions!

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