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Pure earth, pure food - principles and practices of sustainable agriculture


In April, we launched a twenty-day course "Pure earth, pure food - principles and practices of sustainable agriculture". The first part of the course will continue until mid-May and the second will take place this Autumn. Throughout the course the participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the idea of ​​clean and sustainable agriculture and food production. They will have the chance to see and practice basic principles and methods of sustainable agriculture. Participants will learn more about permaculture, bio, biodynamic and natural farming - what is the difference between them. They will discuss present-day environmental issues and the need of preserving natural resources.


We were very pleased with the interest shown from the inhabitants of Nadarevo and the great number of enrolled participants in the course. The idea of ​​pure earth and the need to preserve nature’s balance reaches more and more people.


We also enjoy the pleasant, cheerful mood that accompanies the meetings. Thank you friends, for the smiles and thirst for knowledge!


The course is developed in partnership with Ziarno Association, Poland, and other organizations and institutions from five European countries, with the support of Erasmus +. The course focuses on the concept of lifelong learning and teaching key competences in the field of sustainable development.

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