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Herbal adventure


Our latest practical seminar on herbs ended on 14th June. Our trainer - Laura Nikolova - surprised us again with a unique programme! Even ordinary knowledge about herbs (characteristics and impact on human health), was shared in a touching way. A whole new universe was opened for us! Through various games, sharpening the senses and imagination, we immersed ourselves, like children, in the fairyland of plants. There were also challenging moments. The weather was rainy but we still managed to accomplish our planned walks. We had an evening walk into the forest, and a walk to the gardens of Botanica Life Foundation, where we picked asparagus. We collected nettles and comfrey leaves from the meadows of the village of Nadarevo. We also collected burdock roots and prepared delicious dishes with them! The first sunny day was not without adventures either. We had serious obstacles on the way to the forest - we had to cross places with sticky clay mud and wide ditches. But nothing spoiled the good mood! On the contrary - we constantly felt the goodwill of the participants and their mutual support.

On the last day, we enjoyed the water lilies in the lake, designed by a friend from Switzerland – Fritz Wassmann.  Apostol told us the story of the lake and the things that are yet to be done so that more people can touch its magic and realize the role of these natural - but largely destroyed by conventional agriculture - habitats.

On their way home, the participants took with them precious small jars of herbal ointments and infusions, salt, toothpaste, deodorant and bags of aromatic herbs - yarrow, thyme and chamomile. And of course, they also took with them many smiling photos and wonderful memories!

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