Funding for innovative solutions in sustainable agriculture
For asecond year, Botanica Life Foundation participates as a partner in the GreenUP initiative - a platform supporting and promoting solutions in the field of sustainability and circular economy. This year you can participate individually or as a team, in one of the three categories: "Food and Sustainable Agriculture", "Sustainable Logistics and Packaging", and "Green Buildings, Circular Materials or Waste Management". The winning solution to the set problems receives support and expertise for the development and testing of the idea, as well as a cash prize of BGN 2,000.
Last year,we hosted the first edition. This year, Botanica Life Foundation provides an additional, special grant of BGN 2,400 in the "Food and Sustainable Agriculture" category.
To qualify for the Botanica Life Foundation Special Grant, your idea must cover at least one of the following topics:
Preservation of life in the soil and regeneration of the humus layer
Preserving biodiversity on agricultural land
Sustainable use of water resources on agricultural land
Deadline for sending your presentations - November 10, 2022